MGA School Membley is our newest campus, located on Umoja Road, Membley, off the Nairobi-Thika Superhighway. The school fully implements the New Competency-Based Curriculum (CBC) and offers a state-of-the-art CBC Center. We provide a strong pastoral program and a rich extra-curricular offering. Our school admits children from Pre-primary (ages 3 to 6) to Grade 1-6. Our programs foster holistic learner growth, guided by three key pillars.
- Academic Programs
- Character and Leadership formation programs
- Talent and Skills Programs
The classroom environment is a clean, conducive, appealing space designed to stimulate learning. Class capacity is maintained at 25 pupils per class. Each class is assigned to a qualified teacher and an assistant teacher for the kindergarten and lower school classes.
Our academic program is robust covering a wide range of subjects and extra skills that the students equip themselves with. We offer education for students all the way from Kindergarten up to Grade 6.

Extra curriculum Activities
The school prides in having plenty of out-
side classrooms activities which develop the talents of the learners besides bringing fun in the child’s school life.
From active football teams, to swimming activities to spelling bees, we offer a wide array extra-curricular activities to keep children engaged and active. We also encourage parents to enroll their children in these programs for the child’s development outside the classroom.
What we do

Creche, PP1, PP2

Lower school
Grade 1 to 3

Upper school
Grade 4 to 6
Whom to contact